How much Caffeine is in a Latte?

Lattes have a luscious, creamy flavor, are full of caffeine, and are easy to whip up at home. But how much caffeine is in your morning latte?

A takeaway latte is thick, delicious, and served quickly. Lattes can be easy to create at home. Yet, when it comes to caffeine, do they have a lot? Will a latte keep you up at night?

Let’s have a closer look at how much caffeine is in a latte so you can decide for yourself whether you want to give it a go or skip it. When you’re sensitive to caffeine, it can be undesirable to drink a caffeinated beverage like a latte towards the latter half of the day!

A typical shot of espresso at Starbucks has, for example, 75 milligrams of caffeine. Doesn’t sound much, does it? Well, compare that to a regular cup of black coffee which has around 90’ish milligrams. And remember, a cup of coffee made in your drip coffee maker is a lot more to drink compared to a single shot of espresso!

What kind of Coffee do you use in a Latte?

A latte is made with shots of espresso and milk. Espresso is quite potent with around 75 mg of caffeine in a single shot. Each espresso shot adds around 75 milligrams of caffeine. Depending on how many shots you add to your latte, your caffeine intake can go up tremendously!

Depending on the size of your latte, you might end up with two shots. In some cases, it might even be three shots of espresso, making the latte extra strong.

The heated and steamed milk that is mixed into the latte is used to smooth out the intensity of the taste of the espresso. The hot milk counters the bitter notes of the espresso.

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How much Caffeine is in a Latte?

That will depend on the size of your latte. If you have a latte with a single shot of espresso, then you’ll end up with 75 mg of caffeine. That’s a little less than what a regular cup of black coffee contains.

A larger latte will have two shots of espresso, and you’ll consume around 150 milligrams of caffeine. That’s quite a bit more than a cup of coffee! Your typical regular drip coffee will have around 90’ish mg of caffeine, as noted above.

If you like the taste of a latte but want to limit your caffeine intake, then consider ordering a decaffeinated latte. Espresso, like coffee, is available as decaf and works great in a latte.

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Lattes contain more Caffeine than one might think

When you drink a latte, the sweetness of the steamed milk lulls you into thinking that you’re not at all having a beverage with a lot of caffeine. Yet, it does!

While you can cut the strong taste of two shots of espresso by using steamed milk, you can’t cut the amount of caffeine that your latte contains! A Grande or Venti latte at Starbucks will provide you with 150 mg of caffeine from the double shot of espresso.

Consider this when the recommended maximum of caffeine per day by the FDA is 400 mg! You’re nearly halfway there with a grande latte. 

Adding extra Espresso shots to Spike the Caffeine in a Latte

You can add an extra shot of espresso to your caffe latte in any coffee shop. Heck, you can even add two if you want.

The shop will usually charge you for the additional shots. Tastewise, you’ll end up with a lot more coffee flavor as you have less milk to cut through the bitter notes of the espresso.

On top of that, you also added substantially more caffeine to your latte. As mentioned above, a typical shot of espresso at Starbucks contains 75 mg of caffeine, and adding another shot will add that extra caffeine to your espresso drink.

If you add a third shot to your Venti latte, you end up with 225 mg of caffeine content. That’s more than half of the recommended daily limit that the FDA suggests. That doesn’t leave much room for a couple more cups of coffee to make it through the rest of your day!

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How much Caffeine is in an Iced Latte?

We hate to break it to you. Whether you drink your latte hot or iced, you will end up with the same caffeine content.

Iced coffees and iced lattes might taste a little more watery as there’s water coming from the ice cubes, but they still have the same caffeine content when compared to their hot cousins.

Wrapping it up

The levels of caffeine you consume with your latte depend on the number of espresso shots that are put into the cup. Compared to regular coffee, you can end up with a substantially higher level of caffeine if you add two or more shots of espresso.

Having said that, the caffe latte is the most popular coffee drink besides regular drip coffee. The milk is cutting through the strong taste of the espresso coffee and making it a smooth and delicious beverage to consume. The warm milk tastes sweet, and the bit of foam on top allows for some latte art.

For many people, it’s not their regular coffee but their favorite drink to consume when they want to experience something different than a regular coffee. Cafe Lattes are just that special beverage that makes you feel happy. Add an additional shot of espresso when you need to spike your levels of caffeine!

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