Black vs. White Coffee

Just when you thought that the delicious cup of coffee that gets you going in the morning can’t get any better, they come up with something new and equally delicious.

White coffee!

Have you heard about it?

There have been many questions raised concerning black vs. white coffee. So we had to check it out for ourselves.

Here’s what we found out.

What Is White Coffee?

There are variations of this pale caffeinated beverage found in Lebanon, Malaysia, and Indonesia. But it was Yemen that introduced the world to the nutty, yet delicious, white coffee.

Let’s start by acknowledging the fact that it’s not actually “white”. It’s a bit paler than a latte. White coffee gets its light color through the roasting process. Coffee beans are roasted at a lower temperature than those used for a black coffee brew.

On average, coffee beans used to make white coffee are roasted at about 325°F (178°C). On the other hand, beans used for black coffee are roasted anywhere between 450 – 480°F (232 – 249°C).

They’re also only roasted half-way through. Plus, they need special coffee grinders because these 2 roasting processes make the beans much coarser and harder to grind.

The changes that occur in the roasting process are what give white coffee its unique color, distinct flavor, and rich texture.

Coffee experts say that the recommended brewing style for white coffee works in an espresso machine. But others have tried it in a standard drip coffee maker, and they say it’s just as delicious.

What Is Black Coffee?

The term “black coffee” refers to any coffee brew that doesn’t contain extra additives, such as milk or cream. It got its name because, in the absence of any additives, it has a dark, virtually black color.

Usually, black coffee drinkers don’t even add sugar. They prefer to enjoy the aroma and texture of the black coffee without having things like cream or sugar get in the way.

There are those who think black coffee has an acidic and bitter taste, so it can’t be good for you. In spite of that, there have been many studies carried out that show how much more beneficial black coffee is to our health – Learn more about Coffee Acidity here!

Coffee beans that are full, medium, or lightly roasted can be highly acidic. This happens when coffee beans are roasted for a long time and at such a high temperature. As a result, the oils within the beans start breaking down causing the acidity.

This acidity can cause acid reflux and heartburn. It’s also why you feel those symptoms of withdrawal when you don’t get your caffeine in the morning.

Which Is Better for You: Black or White Coffee?

As a rule, all types of coffee are loaded with caffeine, which benefits your health from the inside out. Its high caffeine content makes coffee great for your nervous system.

Neurons in your brain need to be used routinely, or else they wither away. This results in various neurodegenerative diseases, such as dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s disease.

Coffee also helps elevate blood pressure and prevent various types of heart diseases. This is done with the production of a chemical compound known as nitric oxide. This compound relaxes the inner muscles of our blood vessels. When these muscles relax, we get better blood flow in our arteries.

Besides guarding themselves against disease, regular caffeine drinkers also get a boost in concentration and focus levels. As we age, our brain cells don’t feel they need to exert as much effort, so they slowly fade away.

However, if you drink coffee on a regular basis and do some mental exercises, you can keep your brain cells healthy and alert for many years to come.

White or Black Coffee (Does Coffee Have Calories? How many Calories are in Black Coffee?) has plenty of antioxidants. They work from the inside out to boost your health and make you look and feel great. These antioxidants help protect your body against diseases and infections.

Above all, antioxidants are also known for their fighting power against free radicals. They help protect your skin against elements of nature, such as pollution, harmful sun rays, and heat.

For a fair and thorough comparison, we decided to list the benefits and side effects of both types of coffee.

Benefits of Black Coffee

  • Protects your liver from cancer and other diseases, such as cirrhosis
  • Provides you with nutrients, such as magnesium and manganese, and many more
  • Black coffee helps you think clearly and calmly
  • Reduces your risk of chronic diseases, such as type-2 diabetes and heart disease
  • Lowers blood pressure by stimulating the production of the compound nitric oxide
  • Black coffee lowers your risk of Parkinson’s disease by almost 45%
  • Incites brain to release higher levels of dopamine (one of the “feel-good” hormones)
  • Black coffee cuts down stress and anxiety levels
  • Helps flush out harmful microbes since it’s a diuretic
  • Elevates stamina levels
  • Boosts focus, memory, and concentration levels

Benefits of White Coffee

  • Has slightly more caffeine content than regular black coffee
  • White coffee boosts metabolism by breaking down fatty acids for the body to use for energy
  • Has a nutty flavor
  • Doesn’t leave a bitter aftertaste
  • Blends well with almost all types of creamers
  • White coffee is less acidic
  • Easier on the stomach
  • Contains a good deal of health-boosting nutrients
  • Contains numerous antioxidants, mostly chlorogenic acids (CGAs)
  • White coffee helps prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia by almost 60%
  • Doesn’t cause teeth discoloration

Side Effects of Too Much Coffee

The downside to drinking white or black coffee is that too much of it can be detrimental to your health.

Medical experts agree that a healthy amount is around 3 to 5 8-ounce cups per day. An 8-ounce cup of coffee contains anywhere from 95 – 200 mg of caffeine. That should be enough to keep you going through the day.

Here are some of the adverse effects of drinking more white and black coffee than you should.

  • Prevents you from getting a good night’s sleep
  • Gives rise to high levels of stress and anxiety due to inadequate sleep
  • Causes irregular changes in your heart rate and rhythm
  • White and black coffee results in stress-induced headaches
  • Induces digestive problems and stomach irritations as it’s rich in hydrochloric acid
  • Increases risk of heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  • Prevents the absorption of some nutrients, such as iron, zinc, and calcium
  • Causes frequent urination, or incontinence in over-active bladders

Black vs. White Coffee: Which Has More Caffeine?

When coffee beans are roasted for longer periods of time and at high temperatures, they lose some of their moisture and become less dense. Less dense coffee beans contain lower levels of caffeine.

Based on that logic, the darker the coffee beans, the less caffeine they contain.

This means white coffee beans contain the highest levels of caffeine. White coffee is roasted the shortest time. Black coffee is roasted longer and therefore the caffeine can escape. The exact percentage hasn’t been determined yet, but there are some claims that white coffee contains nearly 50% more caffeine than black coffee.

Final Thoughts on White vs Black Coffee

Coffee lovers worldwide are now questioning their love of the cup of coffee they’ve grown to know and love. Yet, with the debut of white coffee in our lives, the debate of black vs. white coffee is only going to intensify.

To sum it up, black coffee is the dark-colored, aromatic, yet somewhat acidic, delicious brew of coffee beans, which were roasted at high temperatures for a considerable amount of time.

On the other hand, the process of roasting white coffee is quite different. It uses lower temperatures and is only half-roasted. The end result is a pale beige brew with a nutty flavor and more caffeine. For the most part, the brewing style of white coffee is primarily using an espresso machine. But it’s certainly not limited to just that.

Why not expand your horizons and include white coffee on your list of “favorite caffeinated beverages”? Experience the difference between white and black coffee yourself. You may find that you enjoy a cup of coffee, whether white or black coffee, as much as all the other types of coffee you’ve become used to.

Until they come up with a new flavor, that is.

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